The Power of Play and a Playful Approach to Mobility and Movement

a woman sitting in the woods with a hat on

Play is an essential part of human development and is important for physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing. Play can provide a sense of joy and connection to the world, and it can also help to promote physical mobility and movement. A playful approach to mobility and movement can help to improve balance and coordination.

The Positive Effects of Movement for Mental Health and Managing Anxiety

woman doing yoga meditation on brown parquet flooring

Movement is essential for maintaining physical and mental health. Regular physical activity can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression, and improve overall well being. Movement can take many forms, from walking to swimming to yoga. Consistency is key to achieving results – so it is important to find the type of movement that works best for you!

5 Reasons why you should do Yoga

a woman doing a yoga pose by a river

Considering trying yoga? Check out this post for 5 ways that practising yoga regularly will benefit your mental and physical health and well-being!

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